Home > Artworks > Rodrigo Báez Atienza

Photo of Rodrigo Báez Atienza Spain

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1999-2000 _Biografa Teachers (Specialty Graphic Design, Airbrush) Monitor Occupational formation (House Office San Juan Grande) INEM Programs. Monitor ongoing second screen printers. Development Works 1993-1999 varying graphic arts companies and the province of Jerez. CIVIL SOCIETY 1991-1993 BAEZ MAZA. Sevilla. Creative work as a graphic. DALYs and HISPALAUTO 1990-1991 Seville. Companies engaged in the sale of Autos, I work...

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1999-2000 _Biografa Teachers (Specialty Graphic Design, Airbrush) Monitor Occupational formation (House Office San Juan Grande) INEM Programs. Monitor ongoing second screen printers. Development Works 1993-1999 varying graphic arts companies and the province of Jerez. CIVIL SOCIETY 1991-1993 BAEZ MAZA. Sevilla. Creative work as a graphic. DALYs and HISPALAUTO 1990-1991 Seville. Companies engaged in the sale of Autos, I work as a designer and airbrush. 1989-1990 SR. FOTOMECNICA. (Mairena Sevilla). Working as a graphic designer and photographer. 1986-1988 Design and REPRODUCTION. Jerez. Working as a partner and Director of the Firm. Development Works 1967-1986 varying graphic arts companies in Jerez and province Autonomous professional. 1963-1967 FOTOMECNICA JEREZ-company dedicated to clisp confeccin of typography. Made _Study 2003 Course An introduction of the Informaciny Technologies Occupational Trainers communication, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (INEM). 1999 Course of Methodology Institute Promociny didactic-City Development. Course 1995-The Effective negotiation Business School Jerez. 1981 Franco-Group Graduate School, Plaza de San Telmo, Jerez. Three courses Decor 1976-School of Arts and Crafts Jerez. Studies 1957-1961 Primary-School La Salle Buen Pastor, Jerez. Individual _Exposiciones 1970 Caja de Ahorros de Jerez 1973 Caja de Ahorros de Ronda 1974 Scope (Cultural Week) 1974 Caja de Ahorros de Madrid 1975 Melkart Galera (Cadiz) 1976 San Marcos Galera Galera 1980 Katana 1981 Galer Foundation at 1981 Red Elcangrejo Ruiz Mateos (Jerez) 1881 Casa de la Cultura (Cuenca) 1986 Caja Postal (Traveling) 1992 Creation of the Billboard For Expo92 Seville Pavilion 1993 Galer Santa Clara at 1994 Hotel Club Mara Trip Pit (The Corua) 1995 Sala Sagittarius (Port Santa Mara) 1998 Bay of Cadiz Casino 1974 Gale Group _Exposiciones Hastam (Barcelona) 1975 Homenaje a Antonio Machado (Cadiz) 1976 Casa de la Cultura (Cuenca) 1977 People's Cultural Centre Andaluiz (Jerez) Marbella Iv 1977 1978 V Biennial Biennial Biennial Demarbella saw Barbella 1981 1982 1983 cloisters of Santo Domingo Institute of Industrial Teacher (Jerez) 1984 Foundation of Industrial Teacher (Jerez) 1995 Collective Galera Gaud (Madrid ) 1995 Collective Equisur (Jerez) 1996 Collective Equisur (Jerez)

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